Sunday, February 17, 2019

Shakespeare’s Othello is a Tragedy Essay -- Othel Literature Shakespea

Shakespeares Othello is a TragedyA calamity has many definitions, but the Merriam-Webster version defines it as a serious childs play typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a top nonch force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or sinister conclusion that excites compassionate or terror. The latter part, about disastrous conclusion is true for Shakespeares tragedies, and Othello is no exception. Roderigo blindly follows Iagos lead and while his contribution to the disaster is minimal at best, he still is able to feed Iagos desire for revenge, as all the characters do. The only difference between Roderigo and the separate characters is how he does it. Roderigo is madly in love with Desdemona and wants her for himself. The first sign of Roderigos desires comes from Barbantio when he speaks I have charged thee not to haunt my doors/In honest plainness thou hast heard me say/My daughter is not for thee(I, i) Iago seduces Roderigos compliance in the disaster by d ripping dulcet words of his attempts to s bearing Desdemona away from Othello. Roderigo, in his nave and loving mind, hold back Iago the financial means to further his plot of disaster. Iago tells Roderigo that the money and jewels he spends go to Desdemona, but there is little evidence of this. And it seems unlikely that Iago needed epic sums of money to exact his revenge on the Moor. He does it with words and a handkerchief, not rubies and emeralds. But Roderigos lust for Desdemona leads to his attempt to kill Cassio. aft(prenominal) Iago has convinced Cassio to plea to Desdemona for his downright back, Iago is then able to convince Roderigo that the way to take Desdemona is to kill Cassio (IV, ii) because, according to Iago, Cassio and Desdemona are now sleeping together. It is in conclusion his attempts to defile and kill Cassio that contribute the most to the cataclysm. He causes Cassio to lose his rank (II, iii) and then attempts to kill him. The question Roderigo shoul dve been asking himself is this If Desdemona is such a lovely, innocuous creature, why does she jump from bed to bed? What makes me think that shed deterrent in mine? Emilias role in the tragedy seems very small at first. Iago mentions suspicions of unfaithfulness very early on (I, iii) but it is not these suspicions that Emilia contributes to her death and the death of others. Rather, it is the very round-eyed action of... ... not a factor. So what drives Iago to commit all these acts? jealousy is a major portion, but perhaps Iago views this all as a game as well. He prides himself on his wit and cunning and is appreciated for it by his peers. Perhaps it is ego that drives Iago to do all of this, a ladder of his skills to see if he can keep so many togs playing together and for his benefit. Almost all of his actions, plantings seeds of doubt (III, iii) or give dangerous instructions (II, iii) lead to the tragic ending of the play. Even at the end, Iago refuses to explain his motives, by simply facial expression, What you know, you know. (V, ii). Perhaps this was Shakespeares way of saying not to look for a reason, but rather to appreciate what an terrible amount of cunning and patience this wouldve taken to pull off. In the end, Iagos last words perhaps best suit the play. What you know, you know. Everything is presented for the entire sphere to see, with little hidden meanings to things and actions. Roderigos lust, Emilias fear and loyalty, Desdemonas purity, Othellos trust and insecurities, and Iagos jealousy and ego contribute to the disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror.

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