Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Aviation Maintenance and Engineering Research Paper

Aviation Maintenance and Engineering - Research Paper ExampleAll of the maintenance savvy institutions were established in the 1960s with a sole goal, to increase safety and life of their equipment and aircrafts. The first institution that was built was cognise as RCM (reliability-Catered maintenance) but united airlines engineers. This was followed by Boeings monosodium glutamate which till present is known as the standard which has to be followed (Kinnison, 2004). All the details of such practices are highlighted in this report and will try to bosom the modern aspects of aviation maintenance and engineering as well. Current Issues In the modern era, the aviation industry is faced with a constant threat that is known as human error. Although a lot of research work has been carried out to pin point the loop holes in human psyche, even then there is an alarming rate of accidents caused by the negligence of the human hand and mind. The maintenance of aircrafts includes fast turnarou nd time, high pressure and a high number of tasks existence performed at the same time. All these portions ca n lead to the lowering of human work manners while working on an aircraft or its components. Although, the cash advance of technology has taken aircraft systems to a level which were un-imagined at the time when write brothers being laughed at, for having a dream that was never dreamt before. Powered flight was a dream, in allow alone sophisticated systems full of avionics loaded navigation systems and flight controls. All these innovations made sure that the systems improve but made the human rely to a greater extent on technology and become complacent on his routine inspections and maintenance duties. The headings are bolded and centered. You should start off the paragraph with a simple left indenture and start the discussion of the assignment. There is no gap between paragraphs. The aircraft incidents in the 70s, 80s and 90s made the research and ripening teams of different aerospace companies think about different factors leading to these crashes. The most compelling factor that came out from the research was the human factor. Majority of the crashes were due to wither the navigate error or technician error caused by negligence in the filed-line. After this astonishing discovery many agencies were constituted and the silence system was bought in to action. This was the biggest factor involved in incidents when it was an unknown phenomenon, but still takes the lives of thousand as the human falters the moment checks and balances allow him some leverage. Therefore, strict rules have been enforced to snuff out this menace from the aviation industry (Adrian, 2005). A lot of training funds and seminars are being conducted over a period of time in all the aviation related agencies so that maintenance practices can be safe form such an issue, which can hamper the safety of operations of an airline. Current Practices The late(a) problems and pract ices in an airline company were easily pointed out by an internal study in an airline covering the local region as a part of its internal- research department project. This report was focused mainly upon some key factors like unplanned and unscheduled maintenance, spare parts and component maintenance. any(prenominal) of the common factors that were noted in the process are explained in detail in the following part of the report. Un-planned

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