Sunday, August 11, 2019

Grading System 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Grading System 2 - Essay Example Furthermore, this must also be a system that not only grades the students for performance, but the expectations of the system must be clearly laid out so that the students know what they should be striving for. In order to create a timely program for grading and assessing student work, one must start with the classroom schedule itself. At the beginning of the semester a class calendar should be either prominently displayed or distributed for the students to review along with he teacher. This schedule will allow students an overview of expectations for the class as well as the dates of reports and tests and well as their results. This also helps the teacher to maintain workflow schedules for grading and class time use. The use of a calendar will also familiarize the students for later coursework at high school and college level situations. A schedule will also allow students who are absent to keep up with the coursework and requirement from home, while waiting to return to school. There will also be no question about the timeliness of homework, when it is due and when it is considered late. The next primary grading mechanism is the use of a rubric for both overall classroom performance and for individual assignments. This solidifies the requirements for the student to achieve and makes a more focused effort by both teacher and student to attain those goals. Notar, Zuelke, Wilson, and Yunker state this as a "table of specifications" in regards to specific tests: Teachers should make use of the test blueprint--the Table of Specifications. A Table of Specifications identifies not only the content areas covered in class, it identifies the performance objectives at each level of the cognitive domain of Blooms Taxonomy. Teachers can be assured that they are measuring students learning across a wide range of content and readings as well as cognitive processes requiring higher order thinking, The use of a Table insures

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